Steve Benjamin ┃ Crafting Websites Through Design & Development


Born and raised in Lausanne, Switzerland, my journey into the world of media engineering began with a natural curiosity for understanding the inner workings of electronic devices. This fascination propelled me towards pursuing a bachelor’s degree in media engineering, where I’ve honed a versatile skill set encompassing technical expertise, economic insight, design acumen, and strategic acuity. This interdisciplinary approach has shaped me into a dynamic problem-solver, equipped to tackle diverse challenges in the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation.

In my academic endeavors, I’ve had the opportunity to translate my passion for technology into tangible projects that highlight my proficiency in web design and development. From creating a website dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of the South Indian film industry to promoting sustainable consumerism through an eco-friendly cosmetic products platform, I’ve leveraged tools like WordPress, Figma, Canva, and the Adobe Suite to bring creative visions to life. Through these projects, I’ve cultivated a keen eye for blending aesthetics with functionality, striving to deliver captivating digital experiences that resonate with audiences.

Beyond the confines of academia, I find inspiration in pursuits like basketball, Rubik’s cube solving, and literature, which fuel my creativity and offer valuable perspectives outside the realm of technology. Looking ahead, I’m driven by a vision of transitioning into a project management role, where I can leverage my technical expertise and leadership abilities to spearhead transformative digital initiatives. With aspirations to contribute to industry-leading mobile tech companies like Samsung or Google, I remain steadfast in my commitment to pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and shaping the future of digital innovation



Web Designer & Developer

University of Yverdon-les-Bains - HEIG​

Creating visually appealing website layouts and implementing them with code, guaranteeing user-friendliness, functionality, and responsiveness across various devices and browsers.


Digital Marketing Specialist

University of Yverdon-les-Bains - HEIG​​

Managing various aspects of online marketing such as SEO, social media, email marketing, and content marketing.


2023 - current

BSc in Media Engineering

University of Yverdon-les-Bains - HEIG

Comprehensive, multidisciplinary education in digital communications. Equipped with the skills needed to design, communicate, and manage digital products and services, meeting the high demand for versatile professionals in the job market.

2021 - 2022

Professional Maturity - TASV

Technical School of Lausanne - ETML

Une formation complète couvrant l’ingénierie, l’électronique, l’informatique et l’architecture. Elle inclut aussi les sciences de la vie, ainsi que des cours en mathématiques, physique, chimie et autres sciences. Des modules en langues, économie, droit et culture générale sont également proposés. Cette formation vise à fournir une base scientifique et technique solide, tout en développant une culture générale approfondie, pour améliorer les perspectives d’emploi et de formation continue.

2017 - 2021

CFC in Electronics

North Vaud Professional Center - CPNV

An expert in electronic systems, who designs, installs, measures and repairs these systems. Training provides knowledge of electronics (analog and digital), electrical engineering and programming, as well as general subjects such as culture, technical English, math and physics.




Website design and management



UI/UX design proficiency



Search engine optimization and analysis



Graphic design expertise



Crafting brand identity with expertise


Photo-graphic design

photography and photo editing


2020 - current

English - French translator

Translate documents and videos for two NGOs.

2020 - current

Youth Group Leader

Event organizer, moderator, public speaker.